Compare And Contrast Adichie And Prue Gilbert

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a) Compare and contrast Chimamanda Adichie and Prue Gilbert’s purposes in their editorials

The purpose of both authors, Chimamanda Adichie and Prue Gilbert in their editorials ‘Why is Hillary Clinton so widely loved?’ and ‘More #Girlbosses please: How you can help shift gendered expectations at work’ is to highlight the presence of sexism in the workplace and wider community through empowering women and promoting a feminist perspective. A difference in their purpose, however is that Adichie particularly focuses on Hillary Clinton and the sexism and double standards she has experienced, “ because Hillary Clinton is a woman, she is judged too harshly for what most politicians do – hedging sometimes, waffling sometimes, evading sometimes” while Gilbert focuses particularly on empowering all women experiencing sexism in the workplace as seen when she says “ as a society, we still expect women to conform to the traditional stereotype of “mother/carer”, yet …show more content…

While both authors use this technique, they do so in different ways. Gilbert begins her editorial by debunking the idea girls are taught from an early age that they are able to be whatever they desire through data as seen when she says “Growing up, girls are told they can become whatever kind of #Girlboss they want to be. But the data tells a very different story”. This helps achieve the purpose of demonstrating to the audience that sexism is present in the workplace and society. While Adichie also uses debunking to achieve her purpose, she does so while more specifically focusing on Hillary Clinton. In her editorial, she states the reasons why some people dislike Clinton and explains why those reasons are invalid as seen when she says “ But an exhaustive investigation has found no hacking and no nefarious intent- and intent is what matters above all