
Compare And Contrast African And American Civilizations

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Although Africa and the Americas arent that far away from each other, they have many differences. Throughout the time, civilizations started to settle in areas all over the world. During these era’s, they are all unique and some were wealthy. They all have different ways they eat, build houses, and ran their society. What did all of these civilizations have in common?
Let’s start off with the locations of people who will be talked about. In pre-america, there were the Great Plains Indians and the Mayan. The Great Plains Indians mostly stayed in the great plains while the Mayan mostly stayed in what is now Mexico. Overseas in Africa, there was the Mali Empire. It’s located in Northwest Africa.
First, let’s talk about the land these civilizations live around. The Great Plains Indians lived in flat, grassy …show more content…

According to gridclub.com, the Great Plains Indians ”...built large, dome-shaped houses called lodges.” For the Mayans, they lived in round, hut-shaped houses. Like the Great Plains Indians’ The people in the Mali empire also lived in dome-shaped homes. Next we will talk about the clothing of these civilizations.
Third, let’s discuss the types of clothing. The Great Plains Indians had different types of clothing depending on what your role was. Most women wore a regular dress that were made from buffalo hide and the hunters wore a hunter dress. The Mayan people wore Tunics made from cotton and when it became cold, they wore a type of fleece. The people in the Mali empire wore nothing at all. They roamed around naked most of the time but they did have jewelry and makeup.
Fourth, let’s review the agricultures in these civilizations. The Great Plains Indians were nomadic, so they never really grew crops but they did follow buffalo. The Mayans grew corn and cocoa. The also hunted turkeys, rabbit, iguanas, duck, deer, and dogs. In the Mali, they had to clear land before they could plant

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