Compare And Contrast California's Model Compared To The Federal Government

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The United States uses many different governance styles. California’s style has much diversity and a very large size. The size has led California to a more complex system. The California government has had many issues in their healthcare, transportation etc. This leads to California's model being more complex than any other state. California’s model is different from the federal model in many ways. The progressives during their time in power transformed California’s political landscape. I will offer 6 significant differences between California’s model compared to the federal model and discuss the progressive's goals. I will also examine the 4th branch of government in this essay.

California's size and scope is much larger, and complex compared …show more content…

California’s power is divided across multiple officials that were voted for and the governor is the head of the executive branch. California’s style has many more roles than the federal government has. The federal government models' power is more focused on the president. Although the vice president and other agencies have power as well. They usually report to the president as he makes the bigger decisions. In California it is much more complicated since their power is much more spread throughout multiple individuals. California’s model of plural executives has more freedom than the federal government since the president carries most of the power although his decisions must also pass congress, but it is much simpler than California's …show more content…

They wanted the government to be held accountable for their actions and they promoted social welfare. They promoted direct democracy to the people to bring them power and used many different techniques like advocating for initiatives and recalls which gave citizens the power to bring in ideas for new laws and gave them voting power. The progressives aimed for as much power as possible and brought power to the people another way by promoting government reforms. They created agencies to protect the people while they were pushing for reforms in the political