Compare And Contrast Dubois Vs Washington

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Du Bois VS. Washington: Analyzing points of conflict Illustrated in W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington's writings are conflicts in their differing ideas for the advancement of civil rights for African Americans. Both Du Bois and Washington were influential African American speakers during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Their debates often concerned different visions of education, racial equality, and approaches to civil rights for African Americans. This essay will discuss the points of conflict, Du Bois’s objections to the Washington program, and the persuasiveness of each vision. When reading both Washington’s “Atlanta Compromise” speech and Du Bois’s response in “The Souls of Black Folk chap III”, three main points …show more content…

His arguments for higher education and civil rights set the foundation for the civil rights movement in the twentieth century. Du Bois’s idealistic approach was shaped by his background, growing up in the North with more opportunities and integrated schools. Washington, on the other hand, had a more pragmatic vision that appealed to the immediate realities of the South. Du Bois even applauded Washington's work, saying, “One hesitates, therefore, to criticize a life which, beginning with so little, has done so much; and a character that, clothed with such authority, and wielding such rare power, could with greater fitness be criticized in large outline than in detail.” (Du Bois, 928). Washington grew up in the South and understood the extreme viewpoints there, formulating ideas that benefited southern white people while also promoting economic opportunity for African Americans. In conclusion, both speeches were influential in their own ways. Du Bois's vision was more persuasive and appealing to the North, whereas Washington's vision resonated with the South. Ultimately, Washington’s proposal led to more immediate opportunities for African Americans, which he believed would eventually lead to civil