
Compare And Contrast Inca And Aztecs

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Technology for the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca cultures are used in the same and different ways, but how? There are different techniques of farming, technology, and ways of life between these cultures. Their governments are different and their leaders are different. There are similarities too. Their technology can be the same, even though they live in different geographical areas. The Maya civilization and the Aztec and Inca empires have similarities and differences in their own ways.
The early civilizations and empires of Mesoamerica are the same in many ways with their use of technology and ways of life. The Maya, the Aztec, and the Inca all figured out the calendar. A part of all of the tribes religion and culture were the days of the year. This …show more content…

All of the civilizations and empires used sacrifices. The Maya used human sacrifices to the gods for reasons like rain and to stop famines. The Aztecs do this too, but they worship different gods. When they discovered the land they will build their empire on, they found an eagle and thought it was a sign from the gods to them. The Inca worship the mountains because they thought it was a sign from the gods as well. They lived in the Andes. They all make sacrifices to the gods to thank them or for many other reasons too. In all of the cultures, they all have the same classes in the same order. All of the leaders came first, then the priests, and the nobles after that. Many of the civilizations and the empires have classes, and they were almost the same. In all of the cultures, the kings or leaders come first and were treated with the most respect. The people who lived in the cities were slaves, farmers, traders, astronomers, warriors, nobles, priests, and Kings. The Mayan civilizations have astronomers to study the stars and to make their advanced calendars. The economy of the three cultures is the same too. The Maya, Aztec, and …show more content…

First, the Maya is a civilization and not an empire. The Aztec and the Inca are empires. They are run by an emperor. The Maya is a civilization run by the royal family. In the Mayan culture, you were born into a career. If the father was a farmer, then the son would be a farmer too. This true with the royal family as well. The Maya were one of the earlier civilizations which means that they had to invent things to fit their lifestyle. If they came later, then they could have taken ideas from the Olmec tribes who lived before they did. They invented chocolate from cocoa beans. Their invention is still used today. With trying to make calendars, they need a way to read and write them. The first form of a book was a codex. These are the first form of a book made of tree bark. All of the cultures have special ceremonies. The most important ceremonies are the ones that demand blood sacrifices. They make blood sacrifices to the gods for a request or so they don’t get mad at them. The gods were believed to have the power to start famines and droughts if they god mad. They can also bring rain for their crops to reward them. The Maya have differences with the Aztecs and the Inca empires according to these

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