
Compare And Contrast Islamic Terrorist Groups

3281 Words14 Pages

Purpose Statement:
The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast two Islamic terrorist groups; one that has a 40 year history of terrorism; and one that is a recent new-comer, but whose extremist tactics have over taken news headlines all over the world.
Ever since the Munich Olympics Terrorist attack in 1972, the United States government has always had analysts working on ways to counter terrorism tactics. To begin to understand how to combat and prevent terrorism, one must understand the why, who and desired over all end states of the group in question. While the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) are in different regions of the world – they have a couple of similarities that tie them together. Both stem from well-known extremist-terrorist groups, al-Qaeda of …show more content…

The MNLF’s struggle to achieve independence from the Philippine Government (GPH) started in 1969, and was based on the ideology of egalitarianism which favors equality for all people. According to the Official MNLF blog-site their ideology which is called egalitarianism, “affirms, promotes, or characterizes a principled belief in the equality of all people in the political, economic, social, and civil rights aspect regardless of differences in religion, race, ethnic origin, age, and gender.” The MNLF took part in terrorist attacks and assassinations to achieve their goal of egalitarianism. Hashim Salamat, a leader of MNLF who was unhappy with the MNLF's Marxist orientation, founded the MILF in 1984. Salamat’s MILF was a similar organization that adhered to an Islamic orientation to achieve its goal of securing an independent Muslim state in the Southern

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