Compare And Contrast Light To Pliny

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Ambrose believes that all Roman citizens, by law, should worship the one true God whom Chrisitans worship, while Pliny believes that all citizens can believe in any religion they desire as long as they pay tributes to the Emperor. In Similar light to Pliny, Symmachus believes citizens can believe in any religion they desire, but should keep the practices that Romans have worshiped and brought us success. “I ask them if they are Christians. If they admit it, I repeat the question a second and a third time, threatening capital punishment. If they persist, I sentence them to death” (Pliny). Pliny's main concern was if a Roman citizen called themselves, openly, a Chrisitan, even if they were not actually a Chrisitan. This is shown very well when …show more content…

In addition, Ambrose also believed the state should not pay for the churches to be restored or sacrifices to be performed again. Ambrose stated that the reason to be, “that you would feel it a duty to restore by your command altars to the Gods of the heathen and furnish the funds requisite for profane sacrifices; for whatsoever has long been claimed by either the imperial or the city treasury you will seem to give rather from your own funds, than to be restoring what is theirs” (Ambrose). Ambrose was stating that the government should not be expected to pay for their temples to be built again or pay for sacrifices, in contrast Roman citizens who believe in the old Roman religion should pay for their construction. Ambrose later explains further on his reasons for why Roman religion should pay for their own religion and not the government. Ambrose stated, “And they are complaining of their losses, who never spared our blood, who destroyed the very buildings of the churches and they petition you to grant them privileges, who by the last Julian law denied us the common right of speaking and teaching and those privileges whereby Christians also have often been deceived” (Ambrose). Ambrose is defending his claim for the government to fund the construction of new temples and sacrifice because they have persecuted Chrisitans and never helped Christianity. …show more content…

Symachus believes that the Roman traditions maintained have kept Rome prosperous and abandoning these conditions will cause disaster. One point Symmachus brings up is the altar of victory, maintaining the Roman borders and that without the altar of victory we are inviting the barbarians in. “Who is so friendly with the barbarians as not to require an Altar of Victory? We will be careful henceforth and avoid a show of such things'' (Symmachus). Ambrose desires all Roman citizens to be Chrisitans and claims all other religions are worshiping demons; In contrast Symmachus and Pliny were more concerned with maintaining the traditions of the Roman Empire. “We look at the same stars, the sky is common, and the same world surrounds us. What difference does it make by what pains each seeks the truth?” (Symmachus). Symmachus is clearly focused on maintaining Rome's past traditions and beliefs, even stating there should be religious freedom which directly contrasts Ambrose. Pliny and Symmachus had differences in their approach, while they both believed in the continued belief and practices of the Roman religion, Pliny did not have any knowledge on Christianity, unlike Symmachus which caused a lack of understanding. One of the main points Symmachus brings up is swearing of officials into Rome. “Where shall we swear to obey your laws and