Compare And Contrast Martin Luther King Jr And Malcom X

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Martian Luther King Jr and Malcom X where two political figures during the civil rights movement, both men stood and fought for the same reason but both had very different ways in which they would approach how they fought. Martian Luther King Jr took a difference approach to what Malcom X took, mostly he was very against violence and tried to tell the people to stand up by using their words and not be physical but on the other hand Malcom X took a completely different approach a lot of the time telling people violence is sometimes needed to get the message across and make a change. Both approaches from the two men were completely different but both worked much in the same way and helped support African American at the time, they both show how sometimes each style of approach can be used and when some is more effective than another in certain situations. …show more content…

Both leaders did have another thing in common and that was that they both went to jail but once again they were both for different reasons. King went to jail while he was protesting the treatment of blacks in Birmingham and was sent to jail because the court had ordered him not to hold protests there but on the other hand Malcom X had gone to prison in his younger years when he was only twenty for larceny and breaking and entering. Both of the men were deeply religious but King was a Christian and Malcom X was Islam and they both followed completely different paths and had different views and