Compare And Contrast Sequoyah And The Cherokee Written System

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FIRST DRAFT- Sequoyah and the Cherokee written system

The 1800s is the period that will be covered in this paper. Since this is such a wide topic and has a multiple range of subjects it will be broken down. One of the main subjects is going to be on the history of the Cherokee in the 1800s. The other will be on Sequoyah and his writing system created based on the Cherokee spoken language. To cover all that needs to discussed is why multiple points will be introduced and fallowed up as they should throughout the paper. The first of these main points are on the Cherokee as a people both before and after the 1800. Once that is explained Sequoyah will be introduced to give a time marker to show what his contribution to the Native American …show more content…

Which is why like the history of the United States it needs to be narrowed and only bring up the points that relate to the period it is supposed to be on. Therefore, mainly it covers the changes before and after the century being discussed on the topic. So the question is who were the Cherokee and what happened to them from 1790 all the way to 1840? The Cherokee as a group of people are Native Americans that speak the language Cherokee. Once the War for Independence or the American Revolution ended the Cherokee people would find themselves now in a position that was a disadvantage to them. Which is why from the time of "1776 to 1794 the Cherokee sought to defend their territorial boundaries militarily while attempting to gain recognition of their remaining land base through treaties ".1 This is because once the new government of the United States of America was formed the Cherokee were now inside that territory. Which led to negotiations with the government and treaties being formed which many of them were broken by the United States due to them beli. Many of these treaties were agreed on because of the threat of removal and Cherokee generally complied with the demands. Some disagreed like with giving land to the government and caused a split but those who remained were the start towards a new age. Where they began to try and emulate and adapt to their new …show more content…

Through his trials in life he was able to accomplish more than others can say they have done in a lifetime. Many great things came about because of his system of writing. A major accomplishment when his writing was excepted by the Cherokee people was when "The Cherokee established a constitutional government.... in 1827, and a national bilingual newspaper called the Cherokee Phoenix in 1828".3 This is not to say that all this was done by him or because of him but with his new writing system he gave more power to his people. Because of this they were viewed more highly by the government as a legal more civilized tribe of Native Americans. Which is why they did not see any problem with allowing them to have a legally formed government to watch and provide checks and balances for their people. Besides now having a Cherokee run government the newspaper is just as big of news if not more so. Through the actions of the people they were able to voice out their problems and what they believe to be relevant to the public. And not just to their people but also to all people found within the boundaries of the state and government of the United States. It was written in both the written language of the Cherokee but also in English so those both worlds could enjoy it. It was similar to a not or bridge that allowed those of the Cherokee to get a glimpse of the American people and for those who understood English a way to see into the world