
Compare And Contrast The 7 Dimensions Of Health And Wellness

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Health and wellness can affect anyone. The seven dimensions of health and wellness are physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, occupational, and environmental. All of these dimensions can change one self, depending on age, and daily life style. When reading you will see the some of the similarities and difference and how they range for different age groups and who is impacted under certain dimensions. The seven dimensions of health and wellness change over the lifespan. People are always trying to physical looking fit, and ultimately try to eat a healthy diet. It is easy to fall into the social norm and do what others are doing. If it means going out on a lunch break seems easier than just bringing in a lunch and say yes to coworkers to grab a mean and know that you have one in the fridge again seems to be the easier route then to say no thank you. Naturally you want fit in. Just in one day even a few minutes anyone can experience at least three or four of the seven dimensions of health and wellness. …show more content…

Parents need to try to regulate the amount of television and video game playing. Often it is easier to just let them sit and be quiet, but in fact they are just letting there body waist and allowing there metabolism to sit with no energy. Rather than just trying to focus on the children it is important that everyone as a whole does the same. So as the child grows they see the same trend and want to continue with that. It can be socially hard for a child to fit in if they are overweight or trying to eat healthy. If you teach your child the healthy habits and staying active. In hope you can encourage those habits on other children. It is easier to guide the children at the earlier age then it is later on down the

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