Compare And Contrast The North And South In The Civil War

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During the period of the Civil War, the North and South did not come together as one easily. The North thought the South proved weak and ignorant while the North proved to have supplies and the knowledge to go into war. Mainly the South wanted freedom and independence within the many challenges that pushed them. The North, fighting for reunification of the United States. Therefore, the differences wanting to take place during the war provided some argument.
The South, fighting for a greater reason; independence and freedom, especially from slavery. The South had a downfall of weaknesses when joining the war. The South’s defense happened to prove less than the North’s defense. “Only a moderate share of sagacity was needed to see that the arm of the slave was the best defense against the arm of the slaveholder” (Douglass, 481). The pay given to colored troops at the beginning of the war happened to provide another weakness. “The first colored troops did not receive any pay for …show more content…

The South had an inadequate amount of supply to fight the war. At one point the North agreed to trade goods like sugar, coffee, and lemons to help the South. “I felt a little queer, but had perfect faith in their promise and kept on without missing a stroke. … The blue-coats crowded around me and gave me a hearty welcome, … and heaped the craft with offerings of sugar, coffee, lemons, and even candy” (Hunter, 478). Not only did the South have inadequate supplies of foods, they also had an inadequate pay. Colored troops did not like fighting the war without getting paid their fair share. “They wanted ‘full pay’ or nothing” (Taylor, 480). Colored troops did not get paid the first eighteen months of the war, until 1864 when the government offered full pay to the troops. The South had to fight inside battles while fighting in the Civil War. The South with low supplies had a hard time continuing the fight of