Compare And Contrast The Three Colonial Regions In The 18th Century

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In the 17th and 18th century the three colonial regions were all similar in the way they farmed but differed in what they farmed, who farmed it and who they sold it to. The economy of the middle and southern colonies differed from that of new england because it was based off of creating a surplus of cash crops farmed by slaves to sell and create a fortune, While New England manufactured ships and large amounts of iron while also using subsistence farming and fishing to create a humble economy which was just enough to feed themselves and their families.

Exportation Of Goods/ What Was Farmed

Similarities between the colonial regions included the recurring theme of farming and exporting goods to foreign lands. New England shipped fish, …show more content…

In New England they had farmworkers who used subsistence farming, which means they had just enough food to supply their families. Using subsistence farming they had little to no surplus which means they had no extra crops to make money or trade. On the other hand the middle colonies were known as the breadbasket colonies, although there was a small percentage of slaves working these farms they were mostly dutch and german indentured slaves. The middle colonies were called the breadbasket colonies because they were the major producers of grain in the colonial period all the way up until the 19th century. The biggest difference in the category of who farmed in certain colonial regions was that of the Southern Regions. The impact of slaves on the southern economy was huge. In the Colonial south plantations were prominent. Most people lived on plantations where they grew rice, indigo as well as cotton. These crops were farmed by enslaved africans. The average plantation had about 200 slaves present, the crops farmed by the enslaved Africans either got consumed by the plantation owners or sold to create a great income for the people that owned the plantations. Another job that enslaved Africans had was to raise animals for milk and use them for meat. The reason slaves were so impactful on colonial south and their economic status was that they created a slave trade. This created an economic hierarchy as well as economic wealth for many people that lived in the