Comparing Christianity And Judaism Essay

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There are three major world religions today that stemmed from around the same period, the same region, yet they-being Islam (2nd largest), Christianity (1st largest), and Judaism (12th largest)- still varying perspectives on similar beliefs.
Christianity and Judaism share holy books and beliefs before the birth (and role) of Jesus, which is depicted in the New Testament in the bible. Differences arise however in some major ways between these two: concerning God himself, Jews do not believe Jesus is their savior or that he was the son of God. In fact Jews believe he was a false prophet and a criminal and that there is only on, sole entity which is God and someday he will come down to save the Jewish people.
Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and is God in human flesh, and is the savior of all mankind. However, Christians believe in one God who acts through three persons who all make up the divine entity (Orthodox Christian belief), God the Father Almighty, The Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Another split in beliefs is how one attains salvation- Jews believe belief in God and good works will save you, Christians believe that partaking in the sacraments, believing Christianity is the true faith and believing Jesus to be God is how …show more content…

Their holy book, though they have the same writings as Christians and Jews, was written through the revelations of Mahmoud, the founder and mostly holy prophet of Islam. Muslims believe that salvation is found through belief that Islam is the true faith, good deeds, and the Five Pillars which are the creed, daily prayers, fasting, almsgiving, and the pilgrimage to the holy land at least once in their lifetime. They also believed Jesus was a real person, but that he was not the Son of God and rather the second most important prophet who was resurrected by Allah (not crucified and resurrected as in Christianity) and that he will return with Allah to help judge the living and the