Comparing Friar Lawrence To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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The Exposition of the Deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The true culprits of Romeo and Juliet’s deaths are finally being shed to light. In “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” written by William Shakespeare, it takes great understanding and knowledge to determine who was truly at fault for their deaths. Whereas Romeo and Juliet’s deaths were not intentional, but between Friar John not getting to Romeo in time, Lady Capulet, and Capulets pressure on Juliet, their deaths could be expected, but Friar John, Lady Capulet, and Capulet are all still responsible for their deaths. Logically, Friar John is the main reason for Romeo and Juliet’s death, but not 100% at fault. Friar John, and Friar Lawrence speak, “I could not send it--here it is again- Nor get a messenger to bring it to thee, So fearful were they to infection.’ / ‘Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood, The letter was not nice, but full of charge, Of dear import; and the neglecting it May do much danger. Friar John, go hence, Get me an iron crow and bring it straight Unto my cell” (5.2.14) Friar John is one of the many people to blame because he did not get the message to Romeo, if he …show more content…

He wants Juliet to marry paris not caring of her wishes or what she wants. Her parents are being selfish and only thinking of themselves instead of Juliet. Not only does he force her to wed to Paris, but moves the wedding up. “‘Send for the County. Go tell him of this. I'll have this knot knit up tomorrow morning.’” (4.2.22) Capulet was very angry at Juliet for her telling him no to being wed to Paris, which pushes her to saying yes anyways to make her father happy. Juliet is pressured, and doesn’t know what to do, so she does the only thing she knows to do; listen. Juliet tells her father yes, knowing that she won’t be wed to Paris. Juliet follows through with a plan told to her by Friar Lawrence but Romeo doesn’t know of this and in turn kills both Romeo and