Comparing Joseph Bchaac's On Being Brought From Africa To America

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Many People from around the world come to America every year, and the reasoning behind this is because of a concept that keeps America the way it is, as well as maintains the beliefs and functionality of American society. This is the American Dream, a concept that gives people born without privilege the reason to come to the United States, in order to become successful people and live much better lives than they would have if they had stayed in their country of origin. The exact meaning of the American Dream is debatable because it has a large focus on success, and success can be viewed very differently between people since we all have our own opinions on what can truly be considered success, and this is part of the reason why there is debate …show more content…

These experiences can be shown through poetry, and has been shown using this method in the past. The poems “Ellis Island”, “On Being Brought from Africa to America”, as well as “Europe and America” are three poems that revolve around the theme of immigration, which is an essential part of the speakers of these poems their experiences, along with what the American Dream meant to them in their lives. The poem “Ellis Island” by Joseph Bruchac has this theme of immigration. For example, the poem expresses, “a circle line ship slips easily on its way to the island of the tall woman, green as dreams of forests and meadows waiting for those who’d worked a thousand years” (Ellis Island, Joseph Bruchac, Poem). This refers to the Statue of Liberty, and it’s used as a symbol of America’s promise to the millions. The promise to the immigrants is that they’ll all be able to achieve their dreams in …show more content…

Money can be the least important aspect in attaining the American Dream, but it can also be the most important part of this, and this view is different to many people not just in America, but around the whole world. There are many famous quotes that refer to money in terms of success. For example, Pubilius Syrus has said, “A good reputation is more valuable than money” (Pubilius Syrus, Quote). In other words, it’s much more important to accomplish good feats in life and be known as a good person rather than to be a greedy, selfish person that only focuses on money and power. This relates to the American Dream because there are many people that would consider having a good reputation the true, prevalent meaning of success in relation to the American Dream, and believe that money is of little to no importance to having success. People have also written poems in order to reveal their view on money. In addition, in the play “Money” by Dana Gioia, he states, “It greases the palm, feathers a nest, holds heads above water, makes both ends meet” (Money, Dana Gioia, Poem). Gioia believes that money is a necessity in life, and is a vital aspect in reaching a successful living, whether it’s in America or any other place in the world. Having wealth is a major part of having success for man people that