
Comparing My Essay From The AP Language And Literature Exam

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Comparing my essays from the EOC to how I am suppose to write in the AP Language and Literature exam, I realized how the essays have changed. They are two essays that are so different, the structure of the essay has changed compared to the way I would write in the EOC. From the way it has to sound to even the way it looks. When my professer first gave me an essay, I stayed looking at the prompt thinking what or how I am suppose to write the essay. Then when she said three hundrend to four hundered word I instanly felt as if I my hand was already falling off. In the EOC exam I was suppose to write a one page perssuasive essay. The perssuasive essay was suppose to have at least: Ethos, Pathos, or Logos. I couldn't wite using first person, I

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