AP Language Reflective Essay

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Before coming into VU Composition, I was in AP Language/Composition. At the end of AP Language, I felt that I had strayed away from who I was as a writer because of the timed writing atmosphere. I was often worried about finishing the essay rather than the details and the overall content. After completing this semester of VU Composition, I definitely feel that I have returned to my writing abilities prior to AP Language and have been able to better understand the grammar concepts that go in to writing a well-rounded essay. Overall, I have definitely seen improvement from my Literary Narrative Essay to my argument essay. In the first essay that we wrote, I was often making silly grammar mistakes such as comma splices for example “At that moment my love for reading disappeared I didn’t like being told that I had to read a science fiction novel like House of …show more content…

When it comes to improving these skills, I believe that the only way to do that is to practice and work on incorporating those skills into each essay. I will not become comfortable with those skills unless I force myself to use them. I also found myself struggling to meet the word count requirement, I would easily be able to write a good portion of my essay, but I struggled to stretch and add to my ideas to reach the length requirement. In order to improve this, I need to further develop and elaborate on my ideas in each essay. Prior to AP Language I really enjoyed writing, but during that class my love and ease of writing went away and I often found it to be dull and like a chore. However, after being in VU Composition I feel that my ease of writing has returned and I am able to focus more on improving the details and content of my essays. Even though meeting word requirements can often be tedious, be my last essay, I found it to be an easier task to