Comparing The Hopeless Romantic, The Old Maid And In The Closet Romance Lover

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Literature has always been a worldwide phenomenon. That being said some literary works are better than others. This essay will depict one of the absolute worst, romance. More specifically Sarah Dessen and the monsters that enjoy her writing. This evil comes in three forms: The Hopeless Romantic, the Old Maid and the In the Closet Romance Lover. This essay will become a guide on how to spot these monsters and why they act so horribly. To start this guide I will begin with the easiest to spot and most common of the three, the Hopeless Romantic. They can often be spotted on the prowl for a potential mate. This is down by passing glances to all suitable members of their preferred sex. However they usually are unable to pounce due their inability …show more content…

They are a little bit harder to identify then the Hopeless Romantic, but a lot easier to find than the In The Closet Romance Lover. She is often recognized by the annoyed glances she is sending to her husband after reading the back of a Romance novel. This is often followed by a fight between the couple because she feels that their passion is fading as the length of their relationship grows. She is often in common grandmother attire. This usually consists of loose clothing and glasses that have a chain that wraps around the neck. Her strength grows in equality with the sharpness of her cat eye eye-glasses. She personally enjoys the more raunchy Romance read because of the loss of the spark in her long time …show more content…

This is the hardest species to identify and find in the wild. They appear to be the exact opposite of the aforementioned species. They can be found wearing darker clothes and often a little bit more masculine or they are completely masculine. In public they often dog on Romance novels because they are embarrassed by their guilty pleasure, Romance novels and Sarah Dessen. In a communal setting the will often camouflage themselves by reading novels of other genres. Like sci-fi or fantasy. This is often their choice because these books often have a small underlying plot of Romance between the main character and another character. They also call out and make fun of others for enjoying Romance to hid their own love for the genre.
My best hypothesis on why they act this way is because they are scared of being considered feminine. They want to be unique when compared other girls. The best way to do that is hate something that is typically feminine like Sarah Dessen and Romance novels. They are so obsessed with the idea of being different that they hide the qualities that make them their own person. This caused by masculine figures making fun of girly things, so the In the Closet Romance Lover wants to keep their interests a secret. Hence the name In the Closet Romance