Comparing The Values Of Loma Linda University And Medical Radiography

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Personal and professional development are key facets that most people constantly strive to improve. One way to ensure that growth is constant and a way to evaluate it, is through a Mission-Vision-Values statement. Radiography students at Loma Linda University develop one of their own while in the Medical Radiography program. Loma Linda University’s mission, visions, and values align with the Medical Radiography mission, vision, and values with a few personalized aspects. The values are descriptions of how each organization or person achieves their mission and vision. Loma Linda University’s values, the Medical Radiography program values, and my values have some similar components that I feel will present some challenges and successes throughout my career as a medical radiographer and communication within the healthcare field. Loma Linda University and Program Values Loma Linda University and the Medical Radiography program at Loma Linda University mission statements both include the teaching and healing of the whole man (LLU Mission Vision Values ASMR Policy). Education and health being the top priority that gets translated through to all students regardless of the individual program they attend. Education and health encompass …show more content…

My mission, or who I am as a radiographer, is to provide the highest standards of healthcare to my patients and their families resulting in healing spiritually, physically, and emotionally. My vision, or the lasting effects I want to leave on society, is to leave an infinitely positive impression on all individuals by providing contagious honesty, respect, and care. The ways I achieve my mission and vision are through my values. The top five core values that I hold in high regard are integrity, compassion, honesty, dedication, and respect. These values link very closely with the programs and Loma Linda University’s