
Comparison Of American Indian Culture: From Tents To Tensile Structure

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INTRODUCTION From Tents To Tensile Structure In the previous time, Nomadic people always need to move quickly because of the wars and food requirements. According to these living conditions, they take their dwellings with them and these sticks framed house, was just built in a one day. The Tuaregs who living central and north part of Africa, due to the nomad life, they preferred to reduce the composition of their stick framed domes to a minimum number of arches and they selected to cover materials which are found very easily mats and animal skins. Also, they are very easily gathering and take up a little space. According to conditions, Tipi, American Indians used very similar methods. In the beginning, they used dogs for moving and then …show more content…

But main bearings are two poles which created A shape. For the covering, they preferred to use animal skins in the previous times. This skin was the shape of semi-circular and was combined it in the entrance face, it becomes like a door. Another splice is on the top part which helps for ventilation and wind guides. Around its periphery, the outer skin was attached to the ground with stakes in order to secure and stabilize the light structure in wind storms. For protecting wind storms, they erected outer skin to attached to the land. Inner and outer skins allow to flow fresh air at the top part and it makes inner side colder in the hot summer times. At the same time, in the winter period, they put dry grass between two skins for protecting from difficult weather conditions. Contrary to the male-dominated society in the present, in the ancient times, women built of the tipis and they owned them and divorced men forced to turn back his parents dwelling. (alintip:20) Some areas, women applied skins and men erected the poles, they shared the construction …show more content…

The first solution was reducing the number of members to a minimum and secondly changed materials with more lightweight ones. Depend on these, they started to build a tent. In some hot climate areas, they preferred to build tent because unlike tipi, it just takes a few hours. These types of tents are closed with rectangular strips and it was on ropes which transferred the loads to the stakes. The biggest changes from contemporary structure were using modern noncombustible fabrics and galvanized steel cables. Also, prefer to make A shape with steel or aluminum posts and connect to the ground them with concrete anchors. After humans passed to settled life, they preferred to build more durable dwellings and tents became the less important role in their life. However, the tent is crucial in modern and previous armies. Throughout Middle Age wars, tents were still continued to provide. In order to protect Roman amphitheaters, they used a tensile structure roof, for example, the Colosseum. According to this need, The Romans investigated the sailing ship technology and started to use a retractable fabric panel which called ‘vela’. Besides, they erected horizontal masts which carried the velas like a sailing ship. Thanks to vela, now we are making our modern

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