Comparison Of Dr. Tulp And The Agnew Clinic

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III. MEDICAL ADVANCES THROUGH THE AGES. At first glance, I thought that The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp and The Agnew Clinic were painted by the same artist because they share many similarities. Historically, they were both commissioned by academic institutes to celebrate the life, and works of great surgeons of their time. Contextually, they focus their attention on the inquisitiveness of the audience; although, we notice a stark difference – Eakins sort of faded the audience out of the background while Rembrandt more prominently focused attention on the lesson’s participants (Figures 6-7). Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Both Rembrandt and Eakins sought to portray the keen interest through the facial expressions of the participants of both lessons …show more content…

For example, Dr. Tulp is the only one wearing a hat in Rembrandt’s group portrait, and his eyes are locked onto the participants of his lesson (Fig. 8). On the other hand, Eakins almost illuminates Dr. Agnew by placing him steps away from the “action,” and depicting an analytical, and almost worrisome facial expression giving viewers the idea that the doctor is ready to step in at any moment (Fig. 9). No matter how they are depicted, viewers immediately realize whom holds authority in either of these portraits. Additionally, it is clear, by this depiction, that both surgeons feel a sense of seniority Fig. 8 Fig.