Comparison Of NAEYC Code Of Ethics And Utilitarian Ethics

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Working in early childhood care and education problems are prone to arise causing ethical issues. This is why we must follow ethical approaches that are put into place. Not only for the safety and well being of the children but also for the caregivers. While there are a few different ethical approaches I will be comparing and reflecting on the NAEYC Code of Ethical conduct and the Utilitarian Ethics. Through this paper I will be showing the most important principles that these two ethical approaches have while also showing their strengths and weaknesses to better show their similarities and differences. NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct offers a “set of guidelines for expected responsible behavior as well as offers a common basis for problem solving …show more content…

At the same time they also have major differences. With the utilitarianism approach it is about making sure that the larger group is happy, not the whole group. Whereas with NAEYC they want to have the best outcome for everyone no matter the situation, and no matter the size of a group. NAEYC also focuses on making strong connections and relationships with others. Where with the utilitarian approach you can make a connection but that connection will not matter when making a decision if you are in the smaller group, being they are all about the happinesses of the largest …show more content…

I would say NAEYC because it focuses on each individual rather than a whole group. By focusing on each individual with NAEYC you are able to connect better with others to create a relationship. By creating a bond children are more trusting and will better develop in that sort of environment. This approach also resonates better with my future career because I want to meet each child's needs, being that each child is different. Whereas with utilitarianism you would do whatever to make the greater group happier, when I want every child to be happy. By studying these approaches it helped me to notice that I do things with a utilitarianism approach in mind, which I really do not like. It has helped me to realize that I need to focus on each individual not a group because when focusing on a group your weakening bonds and connections just to make the larger group