
Comparison Of Pedophilia And Cyber Crimes

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Cybercrimes such are crimes committed by predators either through online internet harassment or they start out over the internet and eventually lead to real life person to person crimes. An example of an internet crime included in cyber stalking is that of child pedophiliacs, hate crimes and financial identity theft. All have their own elements but start in the online world of cyberspace. Pedophilia and cyber bullying are two major crimes that occur more frequently than not, as well as hate crimes and even terrorism. The good thing about cyber space is also the bad thing about cyber space, it makes it easier to connect with people all over the world and at times that can be a bad thing depending on the agenda of the person behind the screen.
Pedophilia the crime in which adult men stalks young children for sexual gratification. Often times this crime leads to the predators finding ways to interact with these young children in a public setting. Their hope is often to lure them away or even kidnap them for sexually deviant behavior. This particular crime is often a subcategory crime for child pornography and even murder to cover up such heinous behaviors as indecent liberties and sexual assaults on underage children. The children are preyed …show more content…

It consist of defamation of character, seeks to bring down a persons and mentally. In doing so it creates an assassination of character and makes the victim feel unworthy. Today cyber bullying is very important because it has caused numerous people to fall into a depressed state and has led to a multitude of suicides by children and young adults. Cyber bullying is also a form of hate crime. Other forms of hate crimes target people of a particular race, gender, sexual preference, religion and by their choice on the quality of life as it relates to child birth and abortion

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