Components Of Crude Palm Oil

The extracted oil is known as crude palm oil (CPO). Palm oil like all natural fats and oils comprises mainly triacylglycerol, mono and diacylglycerol. Palmitic acid, C16 (44–45%) and oleic acid, C18:1 (39–40%) + as the major component acids along with linoleic acid, C18:2 (10–11%) and only a trace amount of linolenic acid, C18:3(19). The low level of linoleic acid and virtual absence of linolenic acid makes the oil relatively stable to oxidative deterioration. Other components are free fatty acids (FFA), moisture, dirt and minor components of non-oil fatty matter referred to collectively as unsaponifiable matter (20). Crude palm oil contains approximately 1% of minor constituents including carotenoids, tocopherols, tocotrienols, sterols, phospholipids, triterpene alcohols, squalene, aliphatic alcohols and aliphatic hydrocarbons. The major components of interest are the carotenes, tocopherols, tocotrienols, sterols and squalene. Carotenes and tocopherols are antioxidants, and stabilize the oil against oxidation. During refining, the bleaching and steam deodorization processes partially remove some of these valuable components. The amounts retained in the refined oils depend on the conditions of refining
a) Triacylglycerol (Triglycerides)
Triacylglycerol are the basic unit of oils and fats that determines their characteristic, the type of fatty acid and the distribution across these positions.
Triacylglycerol is a chemical compound consisting of

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