Components Of Moral Courage

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There is a major-division between how people would define moral courage. One could say it takes bravery, and another could say it takes integrity. The most simplistic term of moral courage is bravery, conflicting ideas, and integrity . Every person that has moral courage has those qualities too. Every influential person that has ever wondered this earth has had moral courage at one point in their life. Moral courage separates the great from the average person. It’s something that can not be bought, it has to be earned. This is why society celebrates the minority who acquire moral courage in one form or another. The most essential component of moral courage overall would have to be conflicting ideas. In order to fully explain moral courage the 1950-60’s is a great place to start. During t 1950-60’s the civil rights movement was ramping up in volume and viscosity. The face of this movement was Martin Luther King Jr. in which he fought for the equal rights of African Americans in the United States of America. Martin Luther Kings Jr. said the following according to, ”Many who wish the general government to protect the state governments are anxious to have the line of jurisdiction well drawn and defined, so that they may not clash”. He was saying in simple terms that the line between illegal and legal has to be clear so the government doesn 't step over itself. The minority of the population was suffering harshly, and they were inclined to stand up for equality in