Comprehension Instruction In Content Area Classes Essay

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After reviewing all the data collected from my case study student, Mateo, I have decided to design lessons that follow an explicit explanation sequence and target the comprehension skills of sequencing/retelling and drawing conclusions/making inferences. In the article “Comprehension Instruction in Content Area Classes,” Neufeld explains the importance of explicitly teaching students how to use individual reading strategies in meaningful text (2006). I plan on following the steps suggested by Neufeld to explicitly teach strategies for my target comprehension skills (2006). The steps for this explicit explanation sequence are introducing and justifying the strategy, modeling, guided practice, and independent practice. (Neufeld, 2005). Strategies That Work defines explicit instruction as showing learners how we think when we read (Harvey & Goudvis, 2007). Many strategies for modeling how to use a reading strategy are shared in Strategies That Work (Harvey & Goudvis, 2007). The strategies that I think will be used the most in my explicit instruction are think-alouds, anchor lessons and anchor charts, and rereading for deeper meaning. All of my lessons will utilize this explicit explanation sequence and one of the modeling strategies listed above. …show more content…

On the QRI-6 my student was not able to effectively retell the story. This suggests that he has difficulty remembering relevant text content and that he does not yet understand story structure (Leslie & Caldwell, 2017). Retelling can be used as a way to help students develop their understanding of story structure (McCormick & Zutell, 2015). By helping Mateo learn to sequence the events in a text and how to include important elements such as the setting, characters, and plot in his retellings I can help develop his understanding of story structure and his ability to remember relevant information (McCormick & Zutell,

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