Compressed Work Week Essay

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The world of work and business is evolving. As technology changes how virtually everything is done in business, reinvents roles, and creates new jobs, employers must keep up with the new demands of a competitive marketplace. They’re also looking to keep pace with the changing expectations and demands of employees.

The rise of just-in-time production has spurred the growth of just-in-time staffing, which has led to the growth in temporary and contract work. The gig economy is now in full swing, and many workers have embraced the increased freedom and latitude it brings. Staffing agencies are more popular than ever before, for employers and job seekers alike.

Governments finally seem to have noticed the significant changes, and now they’re attempting to modernize their employment legislation and standards for this new reality. Ontario …show more content…

One change of potential concern to staffing agency owners is the length of time prior to eligibility for leave. Under the previous version of the code, employees had to remain with an employer for one year before they’d be eligible for any leave.

The revised Code shortens this period significantly, making employees eligible for all current and new leaves after just 90 days. Other changes include extending compassionate care leave and maternity and parental leaves.
2. Changing Requirements for Compressed Work Weeks
Many employers utilize what’s been known as a “compressed work week.” A good example is a weekend shift that encompasses three 12-hour shifts worked on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This is just shy of the traditional 40-hour workweek but occurs in a much shorter period of time.

This type of work is to be renamed “averaging agreements” and will allow employers and employees to average the employees’ worked hours over a period of one to 12 weeks for the purposes of determining overtime. It must have majority support from affected employees.
3. Changes to

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