Computed Axial Tomography Analysis

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The lecture was focused on the head trauma outcome and how could the trauma information be improved using advanced MRI techniques. A TBI typically stands for Traumatic Brain Injury. . A closed injury could affect the cognitive, emotional/Behavioral/Psychological, Physical/Somatic part of the brain. Its symptoms may suggest TBI, Pituitary Deficiency, Binocular Visual Dysfunction. Nowadays, mild TBI (mTBI) prevalence is increasing rapidly. A mTBI is usually a result of a car crash. A Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scan shows nothing about a mTBI, additionally a conventional MRI technique also ends up showing a negative result. Moreover, an autopsy is not possible. So, a solution to this would be a technique that is advanced and can provide …show more content…

Focal is caused due to the result from direct or indirect forces to focal brain areas. Focal is region based, examples like contusions and hematoma in epidural, SDH,SAHG, parenchyma. Diffuse is normally, a diffuse axonal injury, often titled as DAI. DAI is a result of rapid head rotational motions which tends to deform the white matter. It is the diffuse injury that really accounts for long term disability. TBI is complicated and evolves over time. In order to visualize TBI, advanced MRI techniques should be utilized. Each techniques portrays different information about an image. Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) is responsible for determining hemorrhage as well as micro hemorrhage. An ischemia is pictured best using Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) or Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC). Axon injury could be envisioned using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). Hypoperfusion can be envisaged by Perfusion Weighted Imaging (PWI). MR spectroscopy can conceptualize altered …show more content…

The idea reckons on a fact that the susceptibility of different tissues could act as a contrast. Magnetic susceptibility of different tissues makes them go out of phase with each other thus helping in determining a signal from a particular tissue. SWI is three to six times sensitive than a T2* Gradient Echo MRI. A neuron is the basic unit of a nervous system. It has a cell body which is referred as soma, that comprise of nucleus and ribosomes that helps in protein synthesis. The dendrites are a series of outgrowth branches of the cell body. The axon which is also termed as nerve fiber is a long process that extends from the cell body and carries outgoing signals to its target cells. Axon terminal is the end of a neuron, which is responsible for releasing neurotransmitter into the synapse. A synapse is an environment through which neurons communicate and transmit signals. Axons traverse the white matter while cell bodies are present in the gray matter. A Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) can be used to track motor fiber and thus can help understand if a patient have a white matter track