The Importance Of Free Will

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Desire is defined as "an experience to create a concrete or abstract goal for future behavior and knowledge of a particular person. That is why most of the feedback on the organism includes such a component of will. "Every human being has a sense of consciousness, so conscious will will affect our intuition on a deeper level. Everything we do, how we act or how we behave has the origin in the power of our conscious will. Conscious will is, therefore, a feeling that organizes information on the understanding of the action we are to the author, and it is often said that this experience is similar to emotion or feeling of fact. The reason it is associated with emotion and comes with many emotional features is that, in contrast to cold thinking …show more content…

Perhaps consciousness will arise for self-affirmation and development of the feeling of who we are and who we are not in order to succeed in achieving achievements and retaining our sense of responsibility for action. Although conscious will is extremely useful and serves us as a guide, it is only one of the sources of causality of personal activity and behavior, but not the ultimate one. The experience of free will arises from the interpretation of one's thoughts as the cause of the act, accordingly conscious will is defined as the "function of priority, consistency and exclusion of thoughts of action." Our experience of experiencing conscious will depends on the timely emergence of thoughts. Thoughts necessarily have to occur before the action, otherwise, there is a reduced sense of the experience of a conscious will or the complete disappearance of the experience of conscious will. Conscious will can only be determined by its own report, which must necessarily correspond to the external indication of experience and …show more content…

The degree of consciousness with which the action is accompanied is not an indicator of causality between mind and action. Wegner concludes that this analysis shows that conscious will is the result of causal illusion and that the problem lies in the causal analysis itself. In this section we can pull analogy with the cause. For example, we can be convinced that A causes B, but there is always the possibility that C causes A and B. C is therefore a common cause. No matter how often B follows A, the hypothesis that A causes B can be elimi- nated by a thesis showing two different effects common to the causal process. Approved by an example, although the day is always overnight, it is wrong to say that the day is the cause of the night because both are caused by Earth's rotation around the Sun. So the impression that the thought caused the action rests on a causal conclusion that raises the question if the impression is the basis of experience of will. No matter how confident that our thoughts are causing action, it is true that thought and action can be caused by something else we do not even notice. Thinking should happen before action, be consistent with action, and not be accompanied by other possible causes. When people do what they are thinking about doing, there is a connection between thought, work, and experience of