Conservation-Based Cluster Development Essay

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The County of Sarasota, like many communities have experienced rapid growth in housing, costs which has created a shortage of affordable housing and demands for types of land uses. As noted, the County has greatly emphasized in the Sarasota 2050 plan that affordable housing is limited. In concert with what is stated in the Sarasota 2050 plan, the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse, shows the average price in 2016 at $339,904, which is not affordable to many County residents. As part of addressing housing needs, commitment to environmental responsibility plays a major role, based on sustainable principles that focus on reducing impacts of land.
As you will find, there are many approaches to conservation-based cluster development that offers sustainability. For the purpose of this report, it was taken to mean:
The ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the future generation’s needs.
Conservation-based Cluster development is recognized to have three dimensions: economic, social and environmental. These three dimensions are considered and examined on how they contribute to resource efficiency, and affordability. Therefore, the development of Hammock Place must be based on the vision and needs of the County and its residents, as well as the resources of the …show more content…

Based on these principles, conservation-based housing communities are planned, designed, constructed and maintained to meet the needs of their occupants in terms of health, safety, affordability and flexibility, and are designed to respond to local and changing lifestyles. As well, these types of communities make efficient use of all resources, while minimizing impacts on the site’s natural environment. These principles should apply to all aspects of a community, including housing and built form, infrastructure and natural