
Conspiracy Theory: Why Did The Moon Not Land?

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Why Did The Moon Not Land? Some people think that the moon landing by Neil Armstrong was fake and some people think its real. The moon landing supposedly happened on July 20, 1969, the United States sent Apollo 11 to a mission. Some people believe that after the rocket was launched it did not go to space and they staged it while others believe it was real since millions of people were watching it live. The conspiracy theory of the fake moon landing can affect the way people think in positive and negative ways which cause those who believe it was fake to provide evidence and share it to attract others to believe. Although conspiracy theories have some positive effects on people, this is how the fake moon landing conspiracy theory has affected …show more content…

The pictures did not show stars so this creates concern because Space is full of stars. “Conspiracy theorists then argue that NASA staged the moon landings in a film studio and that there are tell-tale signs on the footage and the photos that give the game away. They claim that NASA has covered up the elaborate hoax ever since” (Knight). This shows how the conspiracy theory has been developed with proof that in the footage and photos shows how this was staged. This creates different thoughts and ideas among people which causes them to share and speak out to attract …show more content…

“One is the fact that no stars are visible in the pictures; another is the lack of a blast crater under the landing module; a third is to do with the way the shadows fall” While Kaysing relied on photocopied samizdat to alert the world, now conspiracists have the subreddit r/moonhoax to document how Nasa was “so lazy” it used the same moon rover for Apollo 15, 16 and 17;” (Godwin). These quotes explain the reasons on why Bill Kaysing proves to share that the moon landing was staged and fake and what is behind NASA to portray something that could actually not be done. The fact that Bill Kaysing relied on the pictures to show proof that the moon landing was faked, this alerted the conspiracy theorists to further investigate and for example come up with how NASA was lazy so this makes it much more believable that it was staged and now the rest of the world is more attracted to this

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