Contextual Project: Research in Nursing Programme BSN to MSN Name Block: BMN004 Student Name: Iqra Yasin Application No: 12908 Due Date 25-06-2015 1. Content List 2. Introduction of Contextual project 3. 10 Concept of Contextual Project 4. References 5. Plagiarism Test Serial No Topic of Contents 01. Nursing Research: 1.1: Personal Context 1.2: Social Context 1.3: Application in current job 1.4: Current research 02. Quantitative Research : 2.1: Personal Context 2.2: Social Context 2.3: Application in current job 2.4: Current research 03. Qualitative Research : 3.1: Personal Context 3.2: Social Context 3.3: Application in current job 3.4: Current research 04. Research Design : 4.1: Personal Context 4.2: Social Context 4.3: Application …show more content…
This applies to all research including studies not specifically related to nursing, such as clinical trials of investigational medicinal products or other clinical trials. The advance researches reveal that the application of patient informed consent follow the foundation of ethical codes in patient care, statutes, and administrative regulations. The informed consent is a continuing practice that planned to protect the rights and safety of individuals participating in medical prosecutions (Ancker, 2004). Concept 07: Data Analysis: This concept is taken from the Research In Nursing block 4, module 08 entitled as “Data Analysis”. Data analysis is a process by which all research collecting data was concluded and illustrates the final research findings. The data analysis is used to make the inferences from our data to more general conditions. Basically the descriptive statistics are more applicable to describe what’s going in our data. The data analysis is closely related to the data visualization and data disseminated. Data analysis is a process for finding raw data and changing it into useful information for an authentic decision-making approach (Joseph, 2008). 7.1: Personal …show more content…
Micheal ,L,K,. (2004). The current state of Quantitative research. Reading Research Quarterly. 39(1): pp.100-107. 6. Denzin, N, K. & Lincoln, Y, S,. (2005). The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: pp. 551-556. 7. Strauss A.L. & Corbin J. (2005). Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Sage, Newbury Park, CA, USA. 8. Popay J., Rogers A. & Williams G. (2000) Rationale and standards for the systematic review of qualitative literature in health services research. Qualitative Health Research 8(3),341–351. 9. Brown, B., Crawford, P. and Hicks, C. (2003). Evidence-Based Research: Dilemmas and Debates in Health Care. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 10. Cormack,B. (2006) ‘Evidence-based practice and the potential for transformation’, Journal of Research in Nursing, 11(1): pp. 89–94. 11. Hopps, L.C. (1994) ‘The development of research in nursing in the United Kingdom’, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 3: 199–204. 12. Daniel S, David S & Daren S,. (2008). The Practice of Statistics, 3rd Ed. Freeman. Wilkins. PP.248-251. 13. Faden R R, Beauchamp T L,. (2005). A History and Theory of Informed Consent. New York: Oxford University Press,