Controversial Topics: Are Knights Born Or Made?

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Knights are one of the most interesting topics. The 2nd paragraph is how knights are made. The 3rd paragraph is about weapons and armour. Finally the 4th is about how they fight and there tactics.
How are knights made? To become a knight it takes extraordinary amounts of time. But training starts early and they learn how to shoot a bow, carve wood and hunt. “It takes 2 stages for a them to become a knight, first they have to become a page then they learn from a knight to become a squire after that they can become a knight.” To become a knight they would have to be a noble son or in a higher class. Most of the knights fought over the holy land. If they were not a good squire or page they can be kicked out for being disrespectful or not doing your job. They also had to follow a very strict set of rules. “Believe in church, Defend the church, Respect everyone weak and strong, Defend the place where they were born, you shall keep fighting,” In the Roman society the knights were ranked lower than the senatorial class but above ordinary citizens. Knights were …show more content…

The reason that it made it so scary is that it can travel speeds of 95 km h that's 60 mph!! They also used maces, poleax, passer, swords, battle axes and lances. Also the knights chivalry is one of the dangerous and interesting. A knight was essentially a military officer. “The son of a noble would first serve as a page then a squire after that he would become a knight!” “A squire responsibilities are to take care of horses, weapons and to be respectful to everyone.” While becoming a knight they had lots of competitions like “Foot Combat” that was very dangerous. They practiced there bow accuracy a lot because they used a “arrow storm” that they shoot arrows into the sky and it would usually kill the other opponent. In battle they also used a poleax that was six and a half feet tall and was thrown like a