Copper 10-Phenanthroline Lab Report

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The electrochemical behaviour of copper-1,10-phenanthroline (phen) complex in aqueous and in water-acetone mixed solutions was studied by CV-thin layer spectroelectrochemistry. In aqueous solution, [Cu(II)(phen)2]2+ complex electrochemically reduced to [Cu(I)(phen)2H2O]+ with maximum absorption at 405nm, and followed by a reversible chemical reaction. The formal potential, E0=0.078V, the number of electron transferred, n=1.0, and the equilibrium constant of the following chemical reaction, K=0.107 (0.005), were determined. In water-acetone mixed solution, [Cu(II)(phen)2]2+ reduced to [Cu(I)(phen)2]+ with maximum absorption at 435 nm.

Keywords: CV-thin layer spectroelectrochemistry; copper-1,10-phenanthroline complex

Copper, …show more content…

2.1. Chemicals and solutions
CuSO4·5H2O, 1,10-phenanthroline and other reagents are all analytical pure. All solutions were prepared with MilliQ water. The solutions were deaerated with high-pure nitrogen for 15min before use.

2.2. Apparatus
Spectroelectrochemical experiments were carried out on Perkin-Elmer Lambda 25 UV/VIS spectrometer (made in USA) and CHI620B (made in China) with homemade long optical path length thin layer cell (LOPTLC, thickness of the thin layer is 0.020 cm) [11]. A graphite carbon slice served as working electrode, a platinum wire as auxiliary electrode and a Ag/AgCl (KCl saturated) as reference electrode. All potentials are reported with respect with this reference electrode.
Graphite carbon electrode was polished to a mirror-like surface with 1.0, 0.3 and 0.05 micron α-alumina powder in sequence and washed in supersonic for one minute before use.

3.1 Cyclic voltammetric studies of copper-phen …show more content…

The reduction peak potential shifts to negative direction with scan rates (average 53 mV for 10 times of scan rate), and the ratio of peak currents, ipa/ ipc, goes up to 1 with the increase of scan rates, as shown in Fig.2. The results indicate that there is a reversible following chemical reaction [9] in the reduction process.

Figure 1. The CVs of copper-phen complex with different mol ratios in 0.2 mol/L NaAc-HAc buffer solution (pH=4.4). scan rate:60 mV/s; mol ratio of copper to phen: 1, 1:1; 2, 1:1.5; 3, 1: 2.The dot line: background; The dash line: CuSO4 solution without phen.

Figure 2. The CVs of Cu-phen complex at different scan rates. Scan rate (V/s): 1, 0.03; 2, 0.02; 3, 0.01; 4, 0.008; 5, 0.004; 6, 0.002.Other conditions are the same as in Fig.1.

3.2 Potential-step thin-layer spectroelectrochemical study of

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