Cornell Admissions Essay

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When threats of danger approach, one can choose to be one of two types of people: one who flees from the issue, and one who runs toward it with the confidence needed to create a beneficial outcome. I have always considered myself to be an individual who constantly strives to assist others in any possible way. Unfortunately, unlike many people, I not only care tremendously for the well-being of humans, but I also possess great solicitude for the welfare of animals. Because of my fervent love for animals and my desire to help them to great extents, I am applying to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell with aspirations to become a veterinarian. Throughout the entirety of my life, I have been constantly influenced by the people and things within my surroundings. In complete honesty, I am who I am today not only from the influences provided by people that which I have always surrounded myself, but also from the multitude of furry creatures that have lived alongside of me. As time has progressed, my pets have shown me joy, compassion, and most importantly, the desire to be their aid and helper when …show more content…

After many days of endlessly searching, a friend of mine, who was a student at Cornell University, suggested looking into this distinguished establishment. After researching everything there is to know about Cornell and talking about it to my parents, they agreed that this quintessential university will undoubtedly contribute to my future success. Not only does Cornell appeal to me due to the fact that this university is one of eight (but undoubtedly the most supreme) Ivy League schools, but Cornell also stands out to me because of its appreciation of community, location, and golden educational programs- more specifically, the fact that Cornell has consistently been ranked in the top tier of veterinary