Essay For College Admissions

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I consider myself to be a seeker of opportunities and challenges. Every chance I get, I try to push myself to new heights by taking risks. Being a man of many passions, I look forward to waking up on a diverse campus with a multitude of activities, being in a larger city than my home town, and sharing my passion of science with fellow students.

My whole life I have always wanted to learn more about the world of sciences we live in. And finally the time came in high school where I was introduced to biology, chemistry, and human anatomy. These classes opened up a new world for me, where I was able to do hands-on activities, and learn about their functionality in todays world. When I came across the human anatomy class my junior year, right then and there it struck me of what I wanted to study some sort of anatomy in college. …show more content…

Essentially, the University of Michigan provides opportunities which will allow me to develop into the person I am meant to be. Certainly, the social opportunities are just one of the many ways that I see the University of Michigan benefiting me. Academically, the University of Michigan is known as one of the most successful schools in the world. With that said, high standards are set and my overall academic abilities will be at their greatest challenge. Specifically, I am applying to the undergraduate College of Literature, Science and the Arts. This college, the broadest of all of the undergraduate schools, will provide a firm academic foundation which will support my future endeavors. The College of Literature, Science and the Arts would allow me to take a heavy load of science classes and a concentration in pre-dental, thoroughly preparing me for my future academic