
Cost Of College Education Essay

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The Price of a College Education Even if there are many programs, such as TRIO and GEAR UP, available to aide paying for college, the cost of college often increases, so the amount of aid a student receives may still not be enough for tuition and housing. Financial support has increased, but so has tuition. As the cost of education increases, it becomes very difficult for families to send children to college. Students who still go onto college regardless of income take out loans creating a lot of debt for them. As tuition rises, the amount of money that students borrow is also increasing (HigherEd. N.d). There is in increase in the number of students attending college, but it is still difficult for these students to earn a degree because …show more content…

There is a fear of job losses among campus staff because of the amount of students enrolled, this was false for schools in Tennessee. After Tennessee’s results with free community college education, a rising list of unions and activist groups are agreeing with a possible free higher education (Push for Free College, NEA. N.d).
An educated and successful population is what the founding fathers wanted when they created our country as well as our founding documents. Our founding father’s vision was for people to have an equal opportunity to prosper regardless of race. For this vision to be possible, the educational system needs to be affordable and also have equal opportunities for everyone wanting to achieve educational merits. There are many factors involved in the educational system in the United States, these all range from local groups, to citizens, and the government. Together, it is believed that many things can happen, like producing equality in education as well as making college affordable or community college

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