Counseling Children Working With Families Essay

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Article Review: “Counseling Children: Working with Families”

I have always had a desire to work with children in the counseling profession. From this article, I have learned that if I work with children, more than likely I will have to work with families. I have gotten a better understanding of how much parents, siblings, or other close families members influence a child’ behavior, whether short-term or chronic. Also, I acquired knowledge about the Quick Assessment of Family Functioning that assists in determining an appropriate level of care for children and their families. This article discusses available resources for counselor seeking to counsel children and explores the various types of approaches for counseling children and their family. As a counselor in training, this information is very useful as it can be used to work with families of different cultures. I have always wanted to work with children, even before I decided to pursue counseling. However, I never considered working with families. I had never realize the link between children and adolescence counseling and family counseling. As stated in Golden (2009), “…professionals who seek to help children must work with …show more content…

This article breaks downs common diagnosis such as adjustment disorder and conduct disorder and explains different approaches to counseling children and working with families such as brief family consultation, solution-focused family counseling and strategic family therapy. Having an understanding of these types of approaches is of value to my training as a helping professional, especially when I reach my competency in working with children and

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