Country B Problem

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In this short essay I will be addressing a very important real world problem. In this scenario country A and country B reside next to one another. Country B has only one water source which unfortunately enters a small portion of country A. Country A has ample amounts of water with many rivers running through it, were as country B would dry up within a few years without this only river. County A is looking to build a damn and divert the river in the section that it enters country A. In this short discussion I have been given the position of an elected government official for country B, given the task of looking for a negotiation with country A keeping the dam out of the river. I will discuss what I think is the best option to either attack country A or try to find another diplomatic outcome that …show more content…

For this discussion I see three options or outcomes. Firstly, country B can make a dam themselves higher up to divert all water to the portion of the river that enters back into country B's border. Secondly, country B could go to war with country A for leadership over the control of the river and lastly, country A could seek further help from a third party, looking to the UN diplomatic interaction to find a proper middle ground or no middle ground and just a legal standing for country B to have full control over the use of their only river. In the first action building a dam higher than country A would mean full control of the river. Cutting off water supply to the lower part that enters country A and diverting it to the lowest part that enters back into country B would ensure they would have complete control of the rivers water. In the second scenario country B would go to war with country A leading to deaths, casualties and all the hardship that comes with a war, but could untimely lead to full control of the river without the time-consuming task of building a dam and diversion of