County College Of Morris Strengths And Weaknesses

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A SWOT analysis is a situational analysis in which internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization, and external opportunities and threats faced by it are closely examined to chart a strategy. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats ( Managers use SWOT analysis to determine the organization’s “position” in an industry and develop organizational strategy. Though commonly associated with for profit organizations, SWOT analysis are carried out by hospitals, government agencies, and schools. The County College of Morris (CCM) is a community college located in Randolph Township, New Jersey. Established in 1968, County College of Morris has managed to remain one of the most competitive schools …show more content…

Here, managers in the organization analyze its strength (S) and its weaknesses (W). A “major” strength of the County College of Morris is the diversity and number of the program the institution offers. Ranging from Associate Degrees in Business Administration to a Certificate in Digital Technology, the County College of Morris offers over 50 Associate Degrees and 25 Certificate programs (County College of Morris). Additionally, the most popular programs are offered online and during non-traditional hours to accommodate single parents, full time employees, and long distance learners. The County College of Morris also give students the opportunity to pursue an Associate Degree and Certificate programs simultaneously. Another strength this institution has is that it is cost effective compared to a four year university. The annual cost to attend the County College of Morris 2015-2016 is $4570 compared to the average cost of $13,198 for attending a four year university in New Jersey 2015-2016 (State of New Jersey Office of Secretary of Higher Education). Perhaps the County College of Morris strongest asset is its close relationship with Rutgers University, the state university of New Jersey. Beginning fall 2014, students in Northern New Jersey were able to complete Rutgers’ Baccalaureate Degree on the campus of the County college of

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