Cover Letter Essay Sample

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Cover Letter
The honors program has opened my eyes to everything in the world. Coming from a small town, I only thought about things that affected my life directly which was not much. During the fall semester, I started to appreciate how important society was thousands of years ago as we went through books from ancient history. I had always pictured ancient civilization as war ridden and lacking emphasis on intellectual knowledge, but reading the books from long ago written in such an awe-inspiring way changed the way I looked at history. As the books became about topics more and more recent, the new way I looked at history widen to everything. This led me to think that everyone has a story and reason for the way they act, yet society judges everyone …show more content…

One of the biggest parts about speaking is being confident in what one has to say. This is one aspect in which I have greatly improved, but I still need to work on. With more practice and putting myself in public speaking opportunities my skill will improve to where I would like it to be. Also, I know I need to work on articulating my ideas. I often will present an idea in a very confusing way unless I have planned a way to present it; however, planning what I want to say often takes a long time, and by the time I have completed my thought, the conversation has moved on. This is, along with public speaking, are things that will be very important in my other college courses and career. Additionally, before this semester of the honors program, I had always used a “cookie cutter” style of writing. Teachers would tell me the exact structure and format, and I would plug in the missing information using a “analytical voice.” This style worked well with my uncreative, formulaic way of approaching writing, so having to take a very general prompt and interpret it in anyway led to some frustration for me. I even received comments on my first three lecture responses related to my unwillingness to include