Creating A Customer Service Strategy For Healthcare Organizations

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It refers to the strategy of a healthcare organization with the purpose of serving more efficiently and effectively. It also aims at reducing the risks and uncertainties with the use of information technology. The Healthcare organization service strategy includes both the entire structure of health care delivery as well as individual health care facilities. It is therefore important to think about ‘macro’ as well as ‘micro’ organization. The environment in which care is provided is comprised of many physical spaces. To create a healing environment for patient, visitor and employees several factors need to be considered. Some are, patients and visitors should be treated with dignity. Patients, visitors and employees should feel physically comfortable, healthcare service provider should be accessible like good usage of signage and way finding, transport and parking etc.
Creating a customer service strategy is critical to …show more content…

Various strategies include, evaluating the organizations

visions and mission statement in the light of its customer service or lack thereof. Identifying the needs and expectations of healthcare customers within the population that it serves.
To ensure a long-term motivation of the employees, healthcare organizations must create an environment that provides employees with opportunity to satisfy their needs. When employees feel appreciated and acknowledged, they will give their best effort, time and commitment. So a service strategy that provides employees with the opportunity to attain their goals will create a good environment. Other technique is , modeling the behavior you want from employees is the most effective way to change any behavior. The organization needs to bring in the employees into the development process. Service strategy should encourage collaboration and co-operation. It brings the whole team on same