Creating A Podcast Ownership

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If you are a business owner and have not investigated podcasts as a new way to market and address your clients, you are in for a surprise. According to the PEW Research Center, a study conducted in 2015 showed that podcasts listenership had doubled since 2008, showing a trend that is predicted to continue rising.

Once considered a breakthrough technology, podcasts are quickly becoming the resource for reaching the masses. A podcast is a video or audio recording made available to the general public for download or on demand listening. You can charge a small monetary fee to access and download podcasts or go the route that many businesses are taking, offer the podcast for free. Generally, the lower the cost of a podcast the stronger the chance …show more content…

Every business owner has some vast amount of knowledge to share with the world; this knowledge could be very helpful to the public. Knowledge draws in the customers as they are seeking some amount of assistance.

If you plan your podcasts properly, you will quickly develop a following. A properly developed podcast begins with several questions. What is the business service, product or knowledge that you would like to share with the world? What knowledge have you gained that you could share with others to enhance your business following? Who is your target audience? Once you have answered these questions, you are well on your way to building an online following for your podcast recordings and hopefully for your business.

Careful planning will ensure that you reach your target audience. Trying to reach everyone is a wide net to cast; when you have a target audience in place you have a greater chance of accomplishing your task. Initially, the goal is not to gain as many customers as possible. The goal is to ensure that you have the attention of those customers who would be willing to purchase your product or utilize your …show more content…

It is best to properly plan each podcast, prior to recording. Establish your goals for each podcast session and determine what you would like to convey most to your customer.

The role of podcasts is changing. Gone are the days of receiving marketing material strictly in the mail or on the television. Podcasts have made it possible to listen to educational, motivational or promotional material from the convenience of your very own cellphone. Podcasts can be an efficient business-marketing tool, giving your business or organization a voice.

Creating your own podcast can bring a wealth of positive feedback your way. Offering informational podcasts also provide the public with a clear view inside your company. It gives you the opportunity to spotlight your expertise in a particular subject or area.

Starting a podcast is not a difficult task. You will need the proper equipment such as a laptop or desktop computer with the ability to record and store audio files. Recording and editing software is also a must to ensure that you are providing your customers and listeners with a crystal clear sound quality. A strong Internet connection is also a must when exporting your audio and posting it to your podcast

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