
Creative Writing: A Ravens Journey

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The next two weeks of Ravens trip went by in a whirl of tea parties with Maddie, shopping with Queen Charming and Darling, training Nevermore, increasingly awkward blushy moments between her and Dexter and hanging out with her new friends. “I can’t believe I’ve already been here for half a month already!” Raven exclaimed as Maddie filled her cup of tea. “I know it’s gone by so fast.” Darling agreed handing her brother a scone. Maddie’s tea parties were not the kind you had as a little kid, they were big, exciting and in Ravens opinion one of the most fun things to do in Ever After, even Daring and Dexter enjoyed them. “So what are the plans for tomorrow?” Raven asked sipping her tea. “I have to back to bookend to help my dad.” Maddie replied …show more content…

Raven looked sympathetically at the young prince Charming, he seemed to always be in brother’s shadow, “Has it always been like that?” she asked. “Like what, Oh Daring getting to pick out everything yeah,” Dexter said distractedly staring out the window. “I kind of got stuck with whatever Darling wanted to do, it’s fine though I don’t mind she’s my sister.” He finished drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair. “Oh, cool do you want to try a new cord you almost know enough to play jingle bells.” She joked trying to change the subject as she handed him back the guitar. “Okay, were going to try a G put your fingers here.” She pointed showing him the correct strings and place. Once again the instrument let out a pleasant sound rather than the loud screech it had been making, “this is really cool thanks Raven.” He said shyly noticing how close the girl was. “Oh, you’re welcome.” She replied looking up at him through her lashes. “So, uh are you hungry?” She asked mentally scolding herself for ruining the

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