Creative Writing: Things Fall Apart

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I wonder what the final chapter is going to be, when will the curtains finally close, when will it be over. when will mankind throw his hand up and say, I give up this is the end. All the trouble in the world is now over with, it happened in a moment, in a twinkle of an eye, ah big explosion had occurred and wipe the whole earth clean. There was no civilization no where everybody had disappeared they were gone, gone, gone. God got tired of all the sins so he let mankind destroy mankind, it could happen soon so have no worry have no fear for God will be with you until the end. There will be no more trouble, and no more tears, and no more deaths. All the things you see will no longer exist. Smile, smile be happy all your pain, all your misery, …show more content…

I have been saying this for the past couple of years, america is headed for doom and destruction for the way they have treated the Black people and other minorities. There is no hope who ever said america was the best country in the world told a lie, america has never been a great country the way they have treated the people. They have oppressed, they have done all manner of things to the people. They have done no good to help people rise up out of poverty, and the government is file, corrupt for selling cocaine, heroin to the people on the streets and then locking them up. I don't see how the White race of people not the majority neither the minority. I dont see how we let a small tribe of White people to rule over the dark people of the earth, I dont see how we are the best athletes, we are the best at everything we do and we still allow the White man to rule over us. He tells us when to get up and when to go to bed. I once heard Malcolm X say, behind that smile of a White man lies a lion waiting to tear you apart, so all he was saying is the White man is so superficial. We as Black people better wake up and smell the coffee and stop following the White man before we get caught up into the same world vile, corrupt system as our White counterpart, and we dont want to be like the …show more content…

The sun was so hot until I didn't see how they stayed out there in it all day long from monday-sunday and they where happy, happy to go down there and pick them crackers tomatoes. Some went to the tomato fields and some went to the orange grove. I dont see how a human being could have took all the torment and all the hard, hard work these people endorsed to keep food on the table for there family. I remember one time mrs.annie-lee a good friend of my mom's asked her if she could go down there and work, my mom told her annie-lee you have to be tough, this kind of work is not for you. Hell my mom she could do it all, she could pick oranges, tomatoes anything them crackers grew and it was a damn shame the money they received for day labor, this was not long ago it was just like yesterday, my mama worked herself into a early grave. I use to hear those Jamaicans singing "daylight come and mi what go home" It was hard time. Jamaican, Bahamian they all come over here puerto rican they all come to america to make them crackers rich. I dont understand my brother, sisters never complained they all went down there to that hell hole, they all