Criminal Justice Personal Statement

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My major is Criminal Justice. I chose this major after multiple sources pointing me to English as my ideal major. Then, research led me to believe that the best career one could achieve with an English degree was a career in law. With this knowledge, I looked at the best undergraduate degrees for law school and found that Criminal Justice had the most interesting material to me. Fear has come up in courses in this major. In my intro to criminal justice, we discussed how fear of one’s life is a vital component in the self-defense defense in court. I think that understanding that fear can bring out certain primal instincts and behaviors is a vital part of biology that can help determine criminal culpability in certain cases. The course aimed to teach me fear can be a debilitating factor, causing people to do unexpected things. …show more content…

I would like to end up as a judge of some time career-wise. More immediately, I see myself working a government job while in law school. A government job would hopefully get me good connections for a future career as either a prosecutor or defender. The law career is interesting to me because it is a little bit of every subject. There is a performance aspect to it, especially when considering the public speaking component. The procedures appear scientific in nature because of their tedious methodology. Understanding basic mathematics would probably serve a lawyer well given the numerical nature of constitutions. Obviously, there is so much English it can seem overwhelming. It also is a subject. But most importantly it involves ethics, and philosophy is one of the most interesting subjects to me. I think people are drawn to law because of money primarily. I think to do this job well you need to be charismatic, studious, and, most importantly, passionate. I have a huge fear that I will not be suited to the type of work that takes so many years of preparing to