The high school you attend greatly impacts the college you attend as well as how prepared you are for college. I am inspired to participate in the Law and policy program at Towson High School because of its outstanding academic achievements, wonderful community, and most importantly fantastic learning opportunities. Friends of mine who attend Towson High School for the law and policy program continue to rave about the amazing experiences they have gotten from being part of the program. Those experiences would help me achieve my goal of becoming a lawyer.
Laws affect every aspect of society. Lawyers form the backbone of the legal system. Lawyers are responsible for protecting the innocent and making sure everyone gets equal rights. I am inspired by lawyers because of all the hard work they put into making sure that everyone has the rights they deserve and justice. In addition to that I am motivated by the effort and education they went through to make the world a better place. I would like to be a lawyer in the future to
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An example of the changes I would make to our planet would be to help change the laws against drugs for the reason that they are harmful and sometimes deadly. In addition, another problem I would change is laws towards guns since they can be mistreated. Another problem that I would help fix would be, that the government builds twice as many jails then schools. I would help change this by making sure all schools have education against crimes which could potentially decrease crime rates in teens. Lastly, when I become a lawyer, one of the problems that I will help fix is the issue that it’s easier to find a big mac than an apple by enforcing restaurants to make their food fit the diet regulations. The Law and Public policy program at Towson High School will aid in helping me accomplish these ambitions by allowing me to gain knowledge on the process in which laws are