The New Greatest Generation Summary

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Joel Stein is a talented Times magazine author that wrote “The New Greatest Generation.” Stein’s writing voice is comical, and he is seen as an extraordinary writer. One of Joel Stein’s famous articles in Time magazine is titled “The New Greatest Generation.” Stein starts off by claiming that millennials are arrogant kids that will only hurt the future, supporting his arguments with data. During the middle of the article, he states his opinion on millennials and how he sympathizes with millennials. By the end of the article, he reverts his previous claim that millennials might not be terrible arrogant children and may prove everyone wrong by being the best generation to come. He uses evidence for his beginning argument and less evidence at the concluding argument of his …show more content…

Readers will understand the point he was making but he could have made it in a different way. Even if a writer language use causes them to have a greater read rating, a Times writer might be expected to use formal English, not casual slang. When using evidence make a claim that is not biased to people 's own opinion. In Stein’s article, he states that children are constantly under peer pressure and uses evidence from an “ English professor at Emory, who wrote The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans”(29). He is using the research correctly, but the fact that he is using something that states that the generation is dumb is not very acceptable for an expert writer. Offensive humor is funny to some people, but for others, it is seen as childish or disrespectful. Most people understand it is just humor and a way to grab the audience’s attention. Stein should have used data to support his point that children are under peer pressure because of social media by using information from a school. Using information from a school is less bias than using a source that calls children