Critical Approach To Organisational Communication

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The relevance of a critical theoretical perspective to the study of organisational communication Critical Theory reveals the oppressive social and technological structures that exist in organisations and various educational institutions, oppressive structures that which affect workers. Thus the Critical Theory perspective is relevant to the study of communication in that, the theory brings light to an existing organisational and higher institution problem that which employees may not have been able to address individually due to being the minority or being in a subordinate position. Thus Critical Theory is about highlighting societal consciousness in that the theory raises awareness about an oppressive organisational atmosphere that which is …show more content…

Therefore, the emerging paradigm-post modernism is concerned with challenging modernism traditions and beliefs. The emergent paradigm, that is-post modernism is aimed at ensuring that operations within an organisation are beneficial for the organisations stakeholders- employees, community and customer. Post modernism has brought with it a shift in communication in organisations and institutions, doing away with top-down, monologous communication- the traditional method of communication where organisation leaders, agency leaders and institution leaders often gave instructions and information to their subordinates disallowing for dialogue creation within the structured institutions. Post modernism however states that it is important for all parties affected by the institution to be involved and contribute in the formation of the narrative thus introducing the formation of a dialogue of networks where communication takes place from down- up or middle- up. It has become extremely important and advisable for organisations to listen and take into consideration their stakeholder’s needs and wants thus creating a cohesive and healthy relationship between the superior, organisation leaders and those less or with no power. Not only that however this emergent paradigm has seen organisations shift from focusing solely on corporate social …show more content…

Firstly, by carefully defining the critical theoretical perspective and underpinning its relevance to the study of organisational communication. Secondly a brief discussion of the critical theory stance and the relevant theoretical assumptions that support the theory was provided. Thirdly the idea of power as conceptualised by critical theorists was described and the sources of power as well as the power imbalances that exist in the organisational context were discussed. And lastly an explanation of how the critical theory seeks to achieve emancipation of the oppressed was carefully