
Critical Thinking Application Essay Examples

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When it comes to using my imagination one of the things that ignites it is my open mind I become very motivated by doing anything that has a purpose and benefits others in the end. It makes me happy to help and improve things that can give others an advantage in their future. As a teenager I find that we are very involve in things that involve technology, engineering and math. I mostly find activities that involve technology and engineering to be fun. I like the sensation of building things and it amazes me how much one can accomplish from just a few materials. I believe that anyone can make a living doing what they want if they put the effort in it. STEM has been a program what has been lead in my school which I find very beneficial from …show more content…

I was amazed by what we could build with about 3 materials. I’m a person who is very creative, I’m enjoy creating the engineering drawing and doing research to help improve something. Another STEM project that I found very fun and let my talent stand out, was back in the 8th grade, for our engineering class, where we had to create an online version of a body part that was assigned to us. I had received the heart and the model had to be created in a 3D view. I had to be precise in what shape and texture I had to put to form an accurate view of a heart. I experience many problems along the way but in the end I created a very good 3B model of a heart which …show more content…

They focus on developing ways that can improving the crops and livestock for our food production, they also design and build helpful agriculture structure such as dams. When it come to the education requirements agriculture engineer should at least have a bachelor degree, in either agricultural or biological engineering to start an employment in the field. Engineers who want to serve the public must have a Professional Engineers (Pes) license. The license requires graduates to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam, and when passed the become engineer interns (EIs). After gaining four years of work experience, they can go on to take the Principles and Practice of Engineering exam to qualify for

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